
JumpSport Blog

Circuit workouts for kids

Feb 20th 2015

You've probably heard of circuit training for adults – a series of physical activities that often includes aerobics and body conditioning. What you probably haven't heard is that circuit wor … read more

Canning food for winter

Feb 20th 2015

I love this time of year – the crisp air, beautiful leaves and nature's plentiful harvest. One trip to the farmers market and you'll discover a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables just b … read more

Healthy Holiday Snacks

Feb 19th 2015

Healthy holiday snacks sounds like an oxymoron, right? With so many rich foods and indulgent treats available at every turn, it can be difficult to keep eating right during this time of year. With … read more

Simple Breakfast On-The-Go

Jan 26th 2015

Your mother was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day for the whole family. When you "break" your "fast," you give your body and brain the fuel necessary to start a new day on a hi … read more

Buying Healthy Snacks for Kids

Jan 6th 2015

"Can I have a snack?"Once kids can talk, parents can expect to hear this phrase multiple times a day. Whether toddler or teenager, caregivers hold the key to proper nutrition. The problem is, get … read more