
JumpSport Blog

Kids’ nutrition: dissecting school lunches

Sep 3rd 2014

Between revised routines, homework assignments and bus schedules, parents whose kids are attending school for the first time have a lot to learn. Just thinking about it makes my head spin! Among a … read more

Do my kids get enough exercise?

Sep 3rd 2014

Do you feel like you or your kids get enough exercise? Between caring for a toddler and an infant and working, it's difficult to find "me-moments" in the day for an exercise routine. I know my 2-year- … read more

Strength Training for Kids

Sep 3rd 2014

A few months back, a photo made the rounds on the Internet. It featured a young boy showing off his toned, plumped-up arms and six-pack for the camera. He looked more like an adult bodybuilder tha … read more

5 ways to change-up classic PB&J

Sep 2nd 2014

Whether your kid is 2 or 12, one thing is frequently requested for lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; the classic PB&J. There's something irresistible about that salty peanut butter and th … read more

5 best websites for easy meals for school

Sep 2nd 2014

As mom to a newborn and a toddler, I completely understand how time-pressed parents are these days. Nutrition has always been a priority in my family, but it can sometimes feel like a st … read more