
JumpSport Blog

Road to Fitbloggin’- part 2

May 25th 2013

Road to Fitbloggin’ Series - Reboot the Diet: Where Does All the Time Go?One of the benefits of working at a fitness company is we are encouraged to take time during our days to simply move. At the Ju … read more

From Box to Bounce in 10 Minutes!

May 24th 2013

This might sound like an advertisement and to a degree, it is (after all, you’re on the JumpSport® trampoline blog!) but if you want the straight scoop about how easy it is to set up and use a JumpSpo … read more

Road to Fitbloggin’- part 1

May 21st 2013

Road to Fitbloggin’ Series - Reboot the Diet: Find the FUN! Welcome to my seven week series on weight loss! Why seven weeks you ask? Simply, I am going to a fitness blogging conference for JumpSport F … read more

Synovial Fluid: Warm-up Joints Before Workouts

May 15th 2013

As a fitness professional, I start each and every class, no matter what the modality, with a warm-up of what I call “body circles." While it sometimes makes for a slow start, it prepares the joints fo … read more

Award-Winning Teacher Helps Autistic Students

Apr 16th 2013

Finding a time for Erin Swick-Washkuhn to be interviewed for this blog post wasn’t simple.  Choices included running alongside her as she trained for an upcoming 50k race or squeeze in a quick co … read more