
JumpSport Blog

Along the Way

Nov 30th 2012

...Travel ideas for flying with the family during the holidaysLooking forward to the holidays?  Me too!  Looking forward to traveling on an airplane to visit friends and family?  Me nei … read more

Black Friday and Raising Balanced Spenders

Nov 28th 2012

Black Friday.  It conjures up all sorts of historical events.  The term describes everything from a financial crisis in 1869 to retailers’ glee when their bottom lines go from red “into the … read more

The Perfect Storm

Nov 21st 2012

What do you do when you’re an active mom with active kids and the weather is acting up? Frankenstorm on the east coast (of the U.S.) this week forced that question on plenty of us who sought ways to k … read more

Ann C Brown, JumpSport’s Newest Blogger!

Nov 19th 2012

[caption id="attachment_2285" align="aligncenter" width="479"] On the "beat" with her nutty, nautical husband, Ann digs deep into a story hoping to engage her readers with yet another blog post! In 20 … read more

Are You Ready?

Nov 2nd 2012

In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, emergency preparedness is an apropos subject for this week's blog.  As hurricane season is not yet over and the threat of unforeseen natural disasters is always … read more