
JumpSport Blog

Pumpkin Power!

Oct 31st 2012

By now most doors, stores, and classrooms are decorated to the hilt with pumpkins.  There are specimen pumpkins, carved ones and the original, round orange pumpkin whole yet touting the Autumn an … read more

The JumpSport Fitness Trampoline Excercise

Oct 30th 2012

BACKGROUND The Fitness Trampoline by JumpSport is an at-home workout option that includes a mobile mini trampoline and DVD workouts that correspond with it. The workouts are demonstrated … read more

Autumn-atic Slim Down

Oct 17th 2012

As many readers of this blog know, I live in sunny South Florida.  It’s a fabulous place during the dead of winter what with our sandy beaches, azure skies, and palm fronds swaying, but until tha … read more

Laughing is Healthy!

Oct 8th 2012

Laughing While It Hurts: Giggling Your Way to HealthyLaughing is healthy, in fact, 'laughter is the best medicine.'  We've all heard this, haven’t we? As I have had the opportunity to grow o … read more

Love For Letterboxing!

Sep 25th 2012

As a mom, I see my fair share of playgrounds each week and to be perfectly honest, after almost six years of frequenting these structures, I find them absolutely boring.  Now don’t get me wrong, … read more