JumpSport at FitBloggin’
May 17th 2011
JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline™ (JFT) has been making its way around the country debuting its top of the line fitness trampoline and reinvigorating trampoline training for at home users as well as gym and club members. The JFT has been at numerous events not only displaying our products and having people bounce but we have also hosted instructor workshops and entire classes on trampoline training. The enthusiasm and collective adrenaline rush that has flowed out of the conference rooms where these groups congregate is intense! The nation, no less the world, is sure to “get its bounce on” sooner rather than later!
This week, JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline™ will be directing the bow of its caravan towards the vast open waters of the Blogosphere where we are cosponsoring and attending FitBloggin’, an event that explores blogging and social media and how these media can be used to reinforce, reinvent, revitalize and perhaps create new forms of wellness, fitness, community, and clean living. FitBloggin’ combines digital media with fitness and the conference will support this mission through its use of break out sessions to include not only classes on becoming a “rock star blogger” but there will be exercise classes including a JumpSport Fitness Trampoline class taught by our very own “rockstar” Master Trainer, Abbie Appel.
The chatter on the message boards as it relates to this class is the benefits of trampoline training on the lymphatic system. I’ve blogged about this before, in fact, basically from my deathbed, in which I drew the correlation that my lack of bouncing had in fact supported the claim that bouncing cleansed the body. Seems that most viewers of the class description really honed in on the lymphatic benefits:
“ Watch out adrenal glands, you are in for a challenge!” says JudyKrings
“ SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW. I just love a good trampoline. It's excellent for your lymphatic system AND fun.”- MARZIPAN
Trampoline Training and JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline™ are really at the cutting edge of fitness, wellness, and community — important buzzwords for our time. Our team is leaning into these concepts and taking them to heart to figure out how we can play a meaningful role in your life, in your community. So if you happen to be in Baltimore, stop by the Marriott Waterfront and look for us at the FitBloggin’ Conference. We’d love to meet you. If more than likely you won’t be in the city renown for its crustaceans and baseball, drop a line and let us know what you think of your trampoline, trampoline training, our blog posts, your ideas, etc. The great thing about digital media is its democracy and the ability to let everyone have a say in the direction of a story.
I’ll be reporting back, probably with some Old Bay still under my fingernails and maybe bruises on my hands from hammering away at crabs, but with great news to share. In the meantime, stay healthy and keep in touch!
In good health!
Heidi Lauckhardt-Rhoades Dance and Group Fitness Teacher Recreational Adult Dance Workshops and Productions Writer and Social Media Correspondent thewritefit.us FB: The Write Fit & Open Barre Happy Hour