On Your Mark, Get Set Go…Go, Go!
Dec 20th 2012
It’s amazing, once Halloween comes and goes, how the end of the year flies by! Having just digested Thanksgiving, it’s time for the winter wonderland. The lights, the visits with Santa, the parties, egg nog, baking, and volunteering.
With so much to do, it’s no wonder there is always such a significant drop off in group fitness classes and undoubtedly the purchasing of elastic waist band pants! The JumpSport Fitness Trampoline™ is actually your best friend during this bustling time. You can achieve all of the physical benefits needed to keep your body fit just by using this one piece of equipment.
Keep up your cardio by doing simply jumping jacks, skis, or jogging. Feel like watching your favorite holiday movie for the hundredth time? Why not hop aboard your JFT and burn some calories; get your heart rate up and give your lymphatic system a boost while you’re at it? You’re maintaining or improving your cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, and keeping your lymphatic system clear by the gentle bounce of the trampoline. Whether you’re planning on a cruise to the tropics, a ski trip, or just want to keep in shape, the JFT is a safe and effective way to keep up your activity level amidst the frenzy.
Add strength by performing body weight exercises on your JFT. You can do push ups, modified or not, by assuming a plank or kneeling position; place your hands on the frame and push up. Hold the position for another total body conditioning exercise. You can also do triceps dips by sitting on the mat, knees bent and moving your bottom on and off the mat while flexing and extending your arms. Lay on top of your JFT and do a variety of abdominal exercises. Achieve the bonus of proprioceptive or balance training because of the JFT's unstable surface. Tote some weights aboard and go for bicep curls, deltoid flies, and squats. Your body has to maintain balance thereby making you stronger, deeper within.
Achieve flexibility by using the JFT to perform yoga or Pilates. You can also use it as a reminder to practice stretching. Sit on the mat and reach for your toes, stretch side to side, pick up your hips and bridge your back. Rotate your spine by sitting up straight and holding onto the frame, gently twist to one side, hold for a few seconds, come center and repeat the exercise on the other side. Stand up on the JFT and get the synovial fluid flushing through your joints by rolling your head, shrugging your shoulders, “swimming” your arms and your elbows, rolling your wrists and fingers, your chest, your hips, your pelvis, knees, ankles, and toes.
Just clips at a time will do your body wonders and will keep you on top of your game. Your physical, emotional, and mental well being are all interconnected. Remember to make time for yourself and for your body. To decompress from the stress of sitting in traffic or holing up at your desk, standing for hours baking, or simply running around from one wonderful party to the next.
Here’s to an abundant and happy holiday season to you all!
Heidi Aspen Lauckhardt-Rhoades
Writer and Social Media Correspondent
Fitness Professional
Twitter: @ATweetFit