Road to Fitbloggin’- part 1
May 20th 2013
Road to Fitbloggin’ Series - Reboot the Diet: Find the FUN!
Welcome to my seven week series on weight loss! Why seven weeks you ask? Simply, I am going to a fitness blogging conference for JumpSport Fitness Trampolines at the end of June—Fitbloggin13 in Portland OR.
In January 2012, I gave birth to my first child. MacLaren was a wonderful addition to my life, who knew he would come with an extra 65 lb of fat?!?!? I took being pregnant as a reason to eat anything and everything. There was not a carb I didn’t spend some quality time with. That coupled with the fact I was so tired I stopped working out, I gained a lot of weight in my first trimester.
Fast forward a year and a half so, here we are…..luckily for me, I have a willing guinea pig, partner, I mean partner… to work on this with me, my boyfriend Milt! As well as some great friends who are willing to help me stay on track---including my friend Christa who is going to walk with me twice a week. The rest is up to me.
I always thought I would pick up my work out routine again the day after I gave birth---silly, silly Rachel. I do not have the two hours it would take per day to drive to the gym, workout, shower, and drive home. I have a toddler, a boyfriend, a demanding job and a Chihuahua---all needing my attention simultaneously every waking hour (and most non-waking hours too). I was struggling with where to start getting in shape. I have lost about 20 plus pounds over the last year but not steadily and not with any formal effort. When I realized I was going to be going to a fitness blogging conference, I knew I needed to start now. That takes us back to the original question: where to begin?
How do I make losing weight fun? I need to do what I tell people to do every day when talking to gyms, dealers, bloggers, ect. I need to put FUN back into FITNESS!
Well, duh, I work at JumpSport Trampolines; it only makes sense that I start working out daily on a JumpSport Fitness Trampoline. My son is never happier then when he is bouncing.
So, maybe it is time for me to start bouncing too! I decided to use our JumpSport Fitness Trampoline PRO Series which is specifically made with a higher weight limit and larger workout surface. This works because…well, I am larger right now plus I am 5’10” and Milt is 6’7”. We needed something that we could both actually jump on.
What else would be fun? I am extraordinarily competitive, so I had to find a group of people I can compete against; with or without their knowledge. So, I have joined the rally of fitness crazed people at The Sweaty Betties for inspiration and am now participating with them on a second Diet Bet. I also dragged my willing Milt along for the ride. We both won $54 on their first Diet Bet and have another 2 weeks left on this one. I also have JumpSport Trampolines helping sponsor their second one (it’s an added bonus knowing the great Danny J). To make keeping track easier, Milt and I started wearing FitBits. Mine came courtesy of JumpSport….so I not only get to compete with my boyfriend but with all my co-workers as well. It’s not as good as doing a lay-up in the state championships, but it will have to do.
As I had hoped, this has put fun back into my fitness routine… now; I just need to find time for my routine!
The first blog, I am hoping, is the hardest to write. Otherwise I have no idea how I am going to bring you all two blogs a week for the next seven weeks! I have a new respect for all the bloggers out there! Thanks for sharing your lives with us….and thank you for indulging me while I share mine with you!
Happy bouncing,