Road to Fitbloggin’ -part 3
May 29th 2013
Road to Fitbloggin’ Series - Exercise: Friend or Foe?
How to survive a holiday weekend built around BBQ, beer and cake? No clue. I could have chosen to stay home, hunker down and pretend that everyone else wasn’t really out having fun spending time with their family and friends. It would have been easy since Milt worked all weekend. Instead, I decided to exercise more and try to eat less. Exercising more did happen. Eating less …. happened two of three days and if we were playing a sets of tennis, I would win. But in the grand scheme of “things” having hot dogs and birthday cake (yummy delicious piled high with sugary colored frosting birthday cake), Sunday night is not that bad.
I walked a total of eight miles this weekend, four of them on Saturday. I was feeling good, I was feeling great. I could do this thing …. and that is when I made my tactical error. I have been doing a few 10-30 minute bounce sessions a week as the fabulous Jeff McMullen said to but I decided it was time to branch out and try something new. I was at least smart enough to realize after walking four miles, I might not be ready for a JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline Workout Video BUT there are plenty of mini work outs I could try, specifically ones by our own Krista Popowych . While Mac napped on the couch, I decided to try out one or two of the Fit Tips by Krista Popowych. I decided to start with the Cure for Ab Flab.
I watched the three minute video once, and then I watched it again doing the exercises along with Krista. Really it didn’t seem that hard. Finally, I did a five minute or so warm up on the trampoline and then three sets of each exercise. I happily watched a saved episode of Chopped while I exercised (I am a Food Channel junkie btw). After I was done, I did another few minutes of bouncing. It was great. Mac slept and I got in a mini workout. Great, right? I felt stronger in my core all day …. until I woke up the next morning because I couldn’t sit up! For the last several days, I have not been able to laugh without it hurting! I cannot believe such a simple and easy routine made such a difference. I am going to try her Upper Body Too suggestions later on this week.
I also weighed in today. I am down 3 lb from last week with six days left to go on my current Diet Bet with the Sweaty Betties. Danny J has been a great inspiration and given a lot of good advice. It is great to be able to talk to people who are struggling with the same things: eating right, time management, and just plain laziness from time to time.
Since I have been able to get my exercising inline to a certain extent, it is time to turn my attention to my caloric intake. Not just the number of calories I am eating but also what specifically I am putting into my body. I am going to use the MyFitnessPal website and iPhone app. I have done it before on and off. I have never been all that great with food logging consistently. But if I can manage to get a workout in while my son slept, I can surely find the time to log and to think about what I am eating. If anyone has any tips on how to make this a simpler process or on what works for them, I am all ears!
Happy bouncing!
@rachelturkus @fittrampoline