Road to Fitbloggin’-part 4
Jun 4th 2013
Road to Fitbloggin: The First Epic Failure
I have been a little resistant to writing this blog entry. That is not true; I have been very resistant to writing this blog entry. Why? Because I am failing at something. And who wants to admit that?
I am failing at food logging. MyFitnessPal could not be easier. There is a great iPhone app that syncs automatically with the website. The website sync’s with my FitBit and their website. With these two items working together, if I just logged my weight weekly and my food daily, the combo would do my entire daily calorie in and out as well as exercise count seamlessly. So why don’t I do it? Simply: I think it is lame. To make up for the silliness of counting every grape, I over obsess with it. It becomes this game where if I bounce more, walk more, then it is ok that I had that ice cream. But it isn’t really ok, because all calories are not created equal. So why do all that?
In reality it is ok that I have a cup of ice cream, just not the pint (Peanut Butter and Chocolate from Baskin Robbins in case someone wants to bring me some with that yummy vein of hard thick chunky peanut butter running through the soft dark decadent cool chocolate. Why don’t I want the pint again? (Please note I stole this from the Baskin Robbins website!! I did not give into this craving a few days before a DietBet weigh in!)
Yesterday, I went to lunch with my son, boyfriend and his mom, I ordered a blue cheese burger on sliced whole wheat (no mayo or bacon) with a side salad. When my meal came, I asked for a to-go box, sliced the burger in half and took it home. I satisfied my crazing for a burger without eating a bun or French fries. I felt great after lunch with the right amount of carbs, protein and veggies. How many calories did I eat? No clue. Does it really matter though? I made a smart choice and that is worth logging not how many calories I ate in blue cheese (a burger is not a burger without cheese and all cheese is GOOD). By the way, a cold blue cheese burger and coffee were yummy delicious for breakfast this morning. Dinner for breakfast is one of my top ten favorite food acts.
The biggest problem for me when it comes to diet and exercise is fitting everything into my day. It is always a balancing act, but if I want to be healthy for my son and be here for him, I need to figure it out. I think the mistake many people make is they believe they have to figure it out quickly. I fall into that trap; I always want the quick fix NOW. Well, there is no magic spell or secret potion. The only magic in this world for me is the family Milt and I have begun to build and that is worth taking the time to be healthy for them and for me. So, I have failed at calorie counting, it simply isn’t my thing.
Speaking of family, we just got a new puppy this weekend! He is a 3 month old lab mix and absolutely adorable so I guess I will be doing a lot more walking now! Too bad he can’t bounce on my fitness trampoline!
In some fun fitness news, did everyone see us on Good Morning America? It is always fun to see where our trampolines pop-up! Check out Miss Valerie Bertinilli—America’s Sweatheart and Ambassador---#jumpin on our trampolines!
Has anyone had any success with food logging? Or, the better question would be, how do you keep yourself and your family on a healthy track?
Happy Bouncing!
@rachelturkus @fitnesstrampoline