
JumpSport Blog

National Dance Week: Move Your Body Freely

National Dance Week: Move Your Body Freely

May 1st 2012

Last week was National Dance Week and thousands of classes across the nation took part in celebrating the art of dance, so in case you missed out, read on! Dance by its very nature is ex … read more
Sustaining Earth Day Everyday!

Sustaining Earth Day Everyday!

Apr 20th 2012

I remember when I first saw organic salad mix being sold at Costco. I thought to myself, “This country has arrived; we are moving towards being greener, and lo’ the planet shall be healed!” Today s … read more
Nutrition Series, 3 Vegetarianism

Nutrition Series, 3 Vegetarianism

Apr 5th 2012

Nutrition, Article 3 Vegetarianism & Vegan Eating Styles, with Brandi Thompson, RD In this third installment focusing in our nutrition series in honor of National Nutrition Month, we a … read more
Nutrition Series, 2

Nutrition Series, 2

Mar 28th 2012

Nutrition, Article 2 with Brandi Thompson, RD Ages and Stages: The Nutritional Needs of Children and Seniors The second article for National Nutrition month and our 3 part nutrition ser … read more

Nutrition Series, 1

Mar 21st 2012

Nutrition Series, Article 1 with Brandi Thompson, RD March is National Nutrition Month, and because of this, I have teamed up with registered dietician Brandi Thompson to teach us abou … read more