
JumpSport Blog

Laughing is Healthy!

Oct 8th 2012

Laughing While It Hurts: Giggling Your Way to HealthyLaughing is healthy, in fact, 'laughter is the best medicine.'  We've all heard this, haven’t we? As I have had the opportunity to grow o … read more

Love For Letterboxing!

Sep 25th 2012

As a mom, I see my fair share of playgrounds each week and to be perfectly honest, after almost six years of frequenting these structures, I find them absolutely boring.  Now don’t get me wrong, … read more

1,000 Items or Less: Could You Do It?

Sep 13th 2012

Starting this week, I began a huge organizational project for a dear friend of mine.  Suzy hired me on as her personal assistant, both domestically and professionally.  Suzy is a children’s … read more

Grass-Fed Beef & Vegetarian Hens?

Aug 29th 2012

Every week, I receive an email from SeaBreeze Organic Farms.  This is thee place to get local meats, eggs, cheeses, milks, and more.  Usually the email begins with a “Don’t forget your coole … read more

Why Shop? Swap! Back to School Tips!

Aug 24th 2012

All around the US, children and their parents, teachers, and mentors are ramping up for the beginning of the 2012/2013  school year.  Some schools, like ours' in south Florida, … read more