
JumpSport Blog

Music Playlist to Rev Up Your Workout

Music Playlist to Rev Up Your Workout

Jun 28th 2011

Someone once said, “Music is what feelings sound like.” When we move our bodies, music is the soundtrack. Recently I have been exercising with a new friend. She adores the pool, and while I teach wate … read more
Trampoline Training Workouts

Trampoline Training Workouts

Jun 24th 2011

Trampoline Training Workouts, Part II: How to do Pilates on the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline™ One of the best things, if not the best thing, about spending time on the JumpSpo … read more
Riding Out Diet and Weight Loss Ups And Downs

Riding Out Diet and Weight Loss Ups And Downs

Jun 16th 2011

We have all been there. We have all been on diets, watched what we’ve put into our mouths, felt the ecstasy of waistbands loosening or shirts blousing, and discovered a bounce in our step as we fel … read more
Unique Program for You Or Your Fitness Club

Unique Program for You Or Your Fitness Club

Jun 3rd 2011

To paraphrase my mentor, my friend, and Master Instructor for the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline, Michelle Hanlon-Mascari, “People in the fitness industry are like mad scientists, give them somethin … read more
The Hills, The Plateaus, The Push to Burn Through

The Hills, The Plateaus, The Push to Burn Through

Apr 5th 2011

By Heidi Lauckhardt-RhoadesThe theme of this and last week’s blog posts is shaking up your routines to avoid boredom and the dreaded "plateau". Plateaus are not necessarily limited to weight loss, the … read more