
JumpSport Blog

Road to Fitbloggin’- part 1

May 21st 2013

Road to Fitbloggin’ Series - Reboot the Diet: Find the FUN! Welcome to my seven week series on weight loss! Why seven weeks you ask? Simply, I am going to a fitness blogging conference for JumpSport F … read more

Synovial Fluid: Warm-up Joints Before Workouts

May 15th 2013

As a fitness professional, I start each and every class, no matter what the modality, with a warm-up of what I call “body circles." While it sometimes makes for a slow start, it prepares the joints fo … read more

Award-Winning Teacher Helps Autistic Students

Apr 16th 2013

Finding a time for Erin Swick-Washkuhn to be interviewed for this blog post wasn’t simple.  Choices included running alongside her as she trained for an upcoming 50k race or squeeze in a quick co … read more

The Friendship Project, Part 2

Mar 22nd 2013

Friendship Project Update!Below are excerpts from friends’ comments written into the book, Celebrating You.  You’ll find corresponding numbers on the map below indicating where the book is travel … read more

DIY Spring Vacation Bobby Pin Craft

Mar 8th 2013

What’s that saying?  “Spring is right around the corner?” Perhaps you can sense Spring’s arrival where you live, but where I am in the Midwest, it’s still pretty chilly.  And with my childre … read more