
JumpSport Blog

January: Door to the New Year

January: Door to the New Year

Jan 12th 2012

On the fourth day into the month of January, “Happy New Year” is still being said with gusto and cheer.  Friends wish each other well, as does a cashier and the gent being checked out.  Curi … read more

Debriefing December

Dec 28th 2011

Well now that the holidays are just about past us, save New Year’s Eve and Day, it’s time for some reflection. What were the strengths and weaknesses associated with this season, and how can … read more
Try & Stay Active During Pregancy

Try & Stay Active During Pregancy

Dec 22nd 2011

It’s five and a half hours since the official end of Christmas Day.  The roads are slick from median irrigation.  I close my eyes in my chair and draw in huge lung-filled breaths of air, … read more
Practical Gift Giving

Practical Gift Giving

Dec 21st 2011

Give Like the Man in the Red Suit: Deliver Smiles for Miles! - A guide to practical gift giving Where do you stand in your gift list? Let me make the disclaimer here for anyone sick an … read more
20 Ways To Be Active With Holiday Feasting

20 Ways To Be Active With Holiday Feasting

Dec 1st 2011

1.   Like the many Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trots that take place from town to town, take part in a pre-feast 3.5 or 5k walk/jog event.2.  Set out your JumpSport Fitness Trampoline( … read more