
JumpSport Blog

No More Weight Loss Resolutions!!

No More Weight Loss Resolutions!!

Jan 6th 2011

I have always been a voluptuous girl and proud of it, but as life handed me lemons in the forms of divorce and the loss of my Father in the past three years, it turns out my lemonade ingredients consi … read more
JumpSport Fitness Trampolines Coming Soon

JumpSport Fitness Trampolines Coming Soon

Jan 6th 2011

This year not only will we continue to sponsor and exhibit at trade shows across the United States and Canada, but we will also be incorporating more regional demos of the JFT across the Bay Area in … read more
Creating Wide Open Spaces

Creating Wide Open Spaces

Jan 4th 2011

It is well known that organization and keeping one’s environment tidy help support a healthy lifestyle.  Knowing where we put our keys or being able to wipe down our countertops with ease are … read more
Getting Friendly With Fitness Again

Getting Friendly With Fitness Again

Jan 2nd 2011

Here's the worst:  being the fat girl at a sporting goods company.  Where everyone, aside from me, is fairly fit.  A few months ago, after seeing my doctor, I had to take a good hard lo … read more
Yummy Breakfast Pizza

Yummy Breakfast Pizza

Jan 2nd 2011

Here is a delicious and healthy recipe to a breakfast I had over the holidays. This recipe comes from Cooking Light 2002Breakfast Pizza (not the leftovers you microwave from Pizza Hut the night before … read more