
JumpSport Blog

Nutrition Series, 3 Vegetarianism

Nutrition Series, 3 Vegetarianism

Apr 5th 2012

Nutrition, Article 3 Vegetarianism & Vegan Eating Styles, with Brandi Thompson, RD In this third installment focusing in our nutrition series in honor of National Nutrition Month, we a … read more
Maximize Results With JumpSport’s PlyoFit

Maximize Results With JumpSport’s PlyoFit

Feb 23rd 2012

When one thinks of California, it’s easy to think of innovation.  With fashion, board sports, software, and fresh approaches to exercise, California seems to be an estuary for new ideas, a b … read more
Series on Overeating

Series on Overeating

Jan 31st 2012

An End to Excess: A Three Part Series on Overeating. Defining it. Dealing with It. Moving On! “Clogged with yesterday's excess, the body drags the mind down with it.”-Horace Over … read more
Dance for Weight Loss

Dance for Weight Loss

Jan 16th 2012

We are officially in the running of 2012.  Regardless that it’s only been a couple weeks and that some Christmas lights are still twinkling after dusk, for those of who have made resoluti … read more

Debriefing December

Dec 28th 2011

Well now that the holidays are just about past us, save New Year’s Eve and Day, it’s time for some reflection. What were the strengths and weaknesses associated with this season, and how can … read more