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    Practical Gift Giving(Post)

    Give Like the Man in the Red Suit: Deliver Smiles for Miles! - A guide to practical gift giving Where do you stand in your gift list? Let me make the disclaimer here for anyone sick a ...

    Don’t Let the Holidays Weigh You Down(Post)

    The holidays!  Office parties, gift swaps, cookie exchanges, eggnog parties, Secret Santa exchanges, holiday breakfasts and potlucks o’ plenty.  It’s easy to see how a person could put on a ...

    Young And Young-At-Heart Can Get Fit Together(Post)

    Family Fitness: How the Young and Young-at-Heart Can Get Fit Together Family fitness is a wonderful way to help the entire family reach their fitness and health goals, and it can also be a great oppo ...

    15 Top Halloween Candy Alternatives(Post)

    I'm on a quest for the top Halloween candy alternatives. I don’t know what came over me, but I started reading about sugar.  As a Florida girl, sugar is part of my community’s history, and I hav ...

    JumpSport at FitBloggin’ 11(Post)

    JumpSport at FitBloggin' 11: Where a Community Connects and Inspires One of the coolest things about JumpSport Fitness Trampolines is its novelty.  Because of it being a small tr ...

    Benefits of Rebounding(Page)

    Benefits of Rebounding Rebounding is a simple yet effective low-impact exercise that involves bouncing on a mini-trampoline. Rebounding is perfect for all fitn ...